Uncovering the Impact of Coca-Cola on Health

Millions of people drink Coke every day, despite it having zero nutritional value. While refreshing, the soft drink is high in sugar which might be harmful. Although it’s hard to stop drinking Coca-Cola, you might change your mind after discovering the side effects.

Read on to find out more.

Coke Is Addictive

Many hormonal changes occur within forty minutes of drinking Coke. First, the body absorbs the caffeine content from the drink. Caffeine blocks the adenosine receptors in your brain and stops sleepiness, according to this report. Coke triggers the release of a neurotransmitter called dopamine in the brain’s pleasure and reward paths in around five minutes.

Dopamine produces an addictive happy feeling that most drug users can’t resist. Coca-Cola triggers the production of dopamine like heroin and makes the user crave more.

Fluctuating Blood Sugar Levels

Coca-Cola’s high sugar content is enough to cause a spike in blood glucose minutes after drinking a can. The sugar content in Coke is the only thing your body has to absorb as it has no fats. A sugar surge can benefit someone who suffers from low blood sugar. However, it can harm someone who already controls high blood sugar.

Furthermore, Coca-Cola triggers a dip in blood sugar levels about an hour after drinking it. The condition can cause sleepiness and irritability.

Increase Your Odds of Having Type 2 Diabetes or Obesity

One 2010 study found a link between taking sugary drinks and the risk of developing type 2 diabetes or obesity. Since Coca-Cola is a sweetened beverage, it could make you prone to these conditions. However, you run this risk of getting sick only if you consume the drink regularly.

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